ARCUS Jewel Box
Artist In Residence, ARCUS, Japan through the Asian Cultural Council
ACC 亞洲文化協會 日本 ARCUS 藝術家駐村計劃Artist:Iching Hung
Photographer:Tsuyoshi Saitou
ARCUS Jewel Box
One day, standing outside the ARCUS studio, I stumbled on some special rocks on the corner. I was as obsessed with them as if they were glittering gems and could not get them out of my mind. My project, "ARCUS Jewel Box", started from that special moment. I drew on the rocks as if they were a journal, depicting my life during the ARCUS artist residency. Even if time passed by quickly, I was hoping to capture some precious memories. I shared the process of how I constructed the Jewel Box with the local residents and subsequently, they voluntarily engaged with my project, even helping to collect special rocks from different places. The work ultimately comprised of the drawings on the rocks and a record of the process which reflected the shared memories between the residents and myself. I was so thankful to the participants, from whom I received genuine warmth through their interactions with me. We had crossed the barriers of nations and language; there was no distance between us. Such simplicity and beauty in life touched me deeply and nurtured my creative spirit.
有一天,我在日本 ARCUS 工作室外的角落裡,發現了許多特別的石頭,它們就像寶石一樣在我腦海中閃閃發光,深深地吸引著我,就這樣我開始了 ARCUS 石寶箱計劃。每天畫石頭,記錄我在日本 ARCUS 駐村的生活點滴,猶如日記般。當時間流逝,盼望著能在記憶裡留下些珍貴的回憶,於是我將製作石寶箱的過程與當地民眾分享,而居民們也主動來參與我的計劃,甚至幫忙我到不同的地點撿拾特別的石頭,同時我也繪畫石頭,書寫紀錄下這些過程,成為我與居民們在日本 ARCUS 工作室的共同記憶。謝謝這些參與者,因他們讓我感受到人與人交流之間那份真誠的心,不因國界、語言的隔閡而產生距離,使我理解了生命的單純與美好,且豐富滋養我創作的心靈。